My canvas samples arrived. I love them! What a great way to present images. This is only a small section of the family room that I've recently set up as a presentation and display area. The room makeover will take more time to complete, but it is ready for clients now.
It was hard to let this one go. It was my first large canvas print. I'm so glad that Eva and Craig loved it, but it looked so great that I didn't want to deliver it. Believe me... large canvas prints are incredible. I really liked the print small, but the canvas blew me away.
Riley didn't want to play in the chess tournament last weekend until he found out that one of his best friends from Montessori Center School was going to be there. He was a little concerned about moving up from the Kindergarten level to the First-Third Grade level in the tournaments. He ended up winning 3 of 4 games and getting a trophy. His school team also won two trophies. Needless to say, he had a great time playing chess, and he got to play with Quincy in between games.